Land Use Project Review

Hazardous Materials works closely with City and County Planning and Building and Safety agencies to evaluate new projects for hazardous materials requirements. This may include “jump start” meetings with local fire representatives, planning agencies, and building departments. It also includes reviewing project descriptions and commenting on environmental documents. Planning and Building and Safety permit applications are required to ask applicants about the handling of hazardous materials to ensure that certain documents and programs are in place prior to occupancy.
Typical conditions applied to planning projects include obtaining permits, filing a business/emergency contingency plan, preparing a Risk Management Plan, filing construction plans and obtaining construction permits for the installation and/or removal of underground storage tanks.
Applicants who require Hazardous Materials to sign-off on projects pay a fee, and must either file the above plans to apply for permits or must file a Business Emergency/Contingency Plan Exemption Form if no operations of the planning project are subject to CUPA regulations.
To discuss your specific permit requirements contact a Specialist in our office. When proposing a new or modified facility it is advisable to contact the CUPA, the fire department having jurisdiction for the fire code implementation, the local water and sewering agencies, the air pollution control district, and the local planning and building authorities as early as possible in the planning process. Each of these organizations may have additional requirements for permits and plans.