Public comment period: February 17, 2025, through April 2, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.
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Help us protect your family and property by proactively providing information about your household in case of emergency.

Catch up on our video series where your SBCoFD firefighters and staff show you how proud they are to serve you.

San Bernardino County residents in need of obtaining homeowners insurance can use these resources to help.

Explore exciting career opportunities with the San Bernardino County Fire Protection District.

Come and join our award-winning team and you’ll find a great place to work, live and play!

The Spark of Love Toy Drive collects new, unwrapped toys and sports equipment for under served children and teens.
Upcoming Events
Be Prepared
Emergency Notifications
Help us keep you safe during a disaster by registering each of your mobile phone numbers in the Telephone Emergency Notification System (TENS) to receive messages by telephone and text.
Ready SB App
Download the Ready SB County disaster preparedness app at to be prepared and get alerts when it’s time to evacuate, create your emergency supply kit and your evacuation plan.
Stay Up to Date
Statuses & Incident Alert System

San Bernardino County Fire is proudly flying the U.S. Flag at full-staff.

You MUST obtain an open fire permit to conduct burning of residential or agricultural vegetation waste within the San Bernardino County Fire Protection District. Please use our online burn permit to obtain a permit. For further information, please contact the Office of the Fire Marshal at 909-386-8400. On behalf of your Fire Marsal, we appreciate your continued cooperation and support.
NOTE: ALL open fires (except for fires fueled solely by natural gas or propane) must be extinguished during Red Flag or Fire Weather Watch Conditions, when local winds exceed 10 miles per hour, or when directed by Fire Department personnel.
Please note that you are required to report your intent to burn online by scanning or clicking the QR code below and following the instruction on the survey.

Calls For Service
July 1, 2024 – January 31, 2025
Last Updated: 02/01/25
Join Our Team
Welcome to the San Bernardino County Fire Department job interest website.
These links will give you the information you need to prepare yourself for a fire service career with our organization.
Sign up for job notifications by email using the website.
Visit our Human Resources website for a list of current job opportunities.
We will be periodically accepting applications for firefighter/paramedic. We encourage you to pursue your CPAT Certification & FCTC Test, so you’ll be ready to apply the next time recruitment opens.

Featured Programs & Services

Alert and Warning System
To quickly communicate information on impending dangers, the San Bernardino County Sheriff and Fire Departments send high-speed mass notifications.

Community Safety
Our focus is on fire prevention and protection for our citizens and business community.

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
SBCoFD is prepared to respond to any reports of COVID-19. Residents may call the COVID-19 hotline at 909-387-3911 from 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. for general information.

Emergency Communications Nurse System (ECNS)
Not every 9-1-1 call needs a lights and sirens response. Now, nurses in San Bernardino County quickly assess the level of response required for medical calls.

The Great California ShakeOut
To quickly communicate information on impending dangers, the San Bernardino County Sheriff and Fire Departments send high-speed mass notifications.

Ready! Set! Go! Fire!
San Bernardino County is one of the most beautiful places to live, but for those living in “urban interface areas”, it does not come without risks.

Ready! Set! Go! Flood!
San Bernardino County Fire hosts one of California’s 12 Regional Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Task Forces.

Since February 2021, 14 teens in our county have died from fentanyl overdoses. A powerful synthetic opioid prescribed for severe pain.

Urban Search and Rescue
San Bernardino County Fire hosts one of California’s 12 Regional Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Task Forces.