About Public Records
Hazardous Materials provides various services for property research service providers, environmental assessment service providers, and the general public.
The San Bernardino County Fire Protection District began its hazardous materials record management in the mid-1980s when San Bernardino County was designated as the CUPA for the County. The jurisdictions for Hesperia and Victorville were at one time handled by the cities of Hesperia and Victorville respectively but have since returned to the jurisdiction of San Bernardino County Fire Protection District’s Hazardous Materials. If you have any questions, please contact us. We look forward to serving you!

Public Records Services
Please note the services we provide and the request forms for these services below. Fees for the services are listed on the request forms. If interested in a particular service, please complete the appropriate form and email it to hazmatrecords@sbcfire.org. Our Public Records Section abides and adheres to the State of California Public Records Act (CPRA). Please be advised that for safety and privacy reasons specified in the CPRA, information in the records may be redacted before your review of the records.
- File Review RequestFile Review Request
- Hazardous Materials CUPA Permit Data ListingHazardous Materials CUPA Permit Data Listing
- Certified Record Search (Phase I Environmental Audit)Certified Record Search (Phase I Environmental Audit)
- Hazardous Materials UST CERS ReportsHazardous Materials UST CERS Reports
File Review Request
This is a specifically identified record for copying and/or review. This is limited to retrieval of the specific record identified in the request and does not include additional research to identify historical contamination issues, address changes, and/or other businesses that may have operated at the site. If the record exists, it will be made available for copying and/or review.
Complete the File Review Request application form and email it to hazmatrecords@sbcfire.org. The application must include the name of the record, type of file, and the specific site location, as well as the identifying record number if available.
Hazardous Materials CUPA Permit Data Listing
This is a list of active and inactive CUPA permitted facilities located in San Bernardino County that provides the following:
- Facility identification number
- The name of the facility
- Address of facility
- Mailing address of the facility.
- Active & Inactive CUPA permits for that facility
- When the permit(s) expires
Complete the Permit Data Information form, email it to hazmatrecords@sbcfire.org and pay the applicable fee. Once payment and the form has been received, an Excel spreadsheet will be emailed within 10 business days.
Certified Record Search (Environmental Audit Phase 1)
A detailed research of current and archival data, automated records, manual logs, and program files will be completed to determine whether there are any records of contamination or spills relating to a particular site that is subject to current or past regulatory activity by the Division. Records include active, inactive, and archival underground storage tanks, hazardous materials handlers, hazardous waste generators, and EPCRA or CalARP facilities, as well as any reports of spills, complaints, or cleanup activity.
Once research is complete, the Division issues a Certified Hazardous Materials Record Search Findings Report that details all records associated with a particular site by type, date, location and status, or which certifies a “no records” finding (any file identified can be made available for copying and/or review upon request).
Please review the Procedures for Environmental Audit Phase 1 Certified Hazardous Materials Record Search Findings Request.
Complete Request for Environmental Audit Phase 1 Certified Hazardous Materials Records Search Findings application form, email it to hazmatrecords@sbcfire.org and pay the required fee. Please be advised that all fees must be paid before services are rendered. Payment may be made by check or electronically by calling the office at 909-386-8468.
Hazardous Materials UST CERS Reports
There are 4 Underground Storage Tank (UST) reports that are available from the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) that can be provided. They include:
- Full Detail Report,
- UST Facility/Tank Data Report
- UST CME Data Report
- HMRRP Report.
Complete the Information Sheet for CERS Reports, email it to hazmatrecords@sbcfire.org and pay the applicable fee. Once the payment and the application form is received, the report will be emailed to you within 10 business days.
Cortese List (List of Identified Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites)
When Government Code § 65962.5 was originally enacted in 1985, it required the State of California to prepare and update a list of sites from various state and local sources to be entitled the List of Identified Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites, commonly referred to as the “Cortese List” (named after the legislator who authored the bill enacting it). In accordance with provisions of Government Code Section § 65962.5, applicants for certain land development actions are required to consult the list and certify whether or not the project’s property is on the list.
Because most of these sources are now published on the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) Website, those requesting a copy of the “Cortese List” are now referred directly to CalEPA’s website. CalEPA has amended its web site to provide links to data resources to search for sites belonging on the “Cortese List.” For further information on the background and history of Government Code Section § 65962.5, see Background and History, or go directly to the link at CalEPA’s web site List of Identified Hazardous Waste Sites (“Cortese List”) (CalEPA).
Other Government Agencies for Hazardous Materials Information
Other Federal, State, Regional, County, and City agencies maintain certain records involving hazardous materials at facilities within San Bernardino County. For instance, unauthorized releases from Underground Storage Tanks may be found at the State Water Resources Control Board Geotracker site. Interested persons may also want to check the Hazmat links to investigate web sites by US EPA or CalEPA under their Superfund and Brownfield Programs. The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has a searchable database for several programs including CalSites, Voluntary Compliance Program Properties, and the School Property Evaluation Program.
All payments may be made be paid by credit card by calling Hazardous Materials office.
Public Disclosure
“Whenever information, including, but not limited to, documents, photographs, and sampling results, has been gathered pursuant to subdivision (a), the department or the local officer or agency shall comply with all procedures established pursuant to Section 25173 and shall notify the person whose facility was inspected prior to public disclosure of the information, and, upon request of that person, shall submit a copy of any information to that person for the purpose of determining whether trade secret information, as defined in Section 25173, or facility security would be revealed by the information. “Public disclosure,” as used in this section, shall not include review of the information by a court of competent jurisdiction or an administrative law judge. That review may be conducted in camera at the discretion of the court or judge.”
California Health & Safety Code 25185(d)
Also, a note to our customers reviewing files which include Underground Storage Tank Blueprints and/or plans, you may view these plans, but copying or reproducing these blue prints and/or plans without written pre-approval from the plans architect or copyright owner, is prohibited by law.
Civ. Code 3426.1 (d); 17 U.S.C. 101, 102(a) 8, 106, 107; California Health & Safety Code 19851

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San Bernardino, CA 92415-0179