Underground Storage Tank

A test can’t be late, but completing a test early will legally move your testing month up.  So if you complete your test in January and then again in June, your subsequent tests will be due in June [Refer to California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 23 Section 2620 (e)].

No, the next UST Monitoring Certification must be completed by the end of March of next year.  The period between the two Monitoring Certifications cannot exceed 12 months [Refer to California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 23 Section 2620 (e)].

Your next UST Monitoring Certification must be completed by the end of January of next year.  All tests and inspections must be completed before or during the month the test or inspection is required [Refer to California Code of Regulations, Title 23, CCR 2620(e)].

Every 36 months.  If you conduct your test late, then your test is due 36 months from the date it was originally due.