Fires can grow and destroy up to hundreds and even thousands of acres. We cannot simply allow a fire to burn out of control and potentially spread to an area where it might threaten lives, property, or the environment. In addition, the San Bernardino County Fire Protection District provides fire and emergency medical services that people often need beyond the boundaries of their properties, such as citizens travelling on local freeways or highways.
The San Bernardino County Fire Protection District covers an area of over 19, 000 square miles, and resources are shared throughout the County when needed. If there is an incident in your area that requires more resources than are available at your station, engines from other stations around the District will respond. This is one of the benefits of the County Fire Department protecting your area, we can pull resources as needed to mitigate any emergency. It would be impossible to provide a dedicated station in every single community throughout the entire County.
No, this is about the total cost of providing fire and emergency medical services. Those costs include facilities, vehicle replacement, equipment, salaries, pensions, etc. It’s also important to remember that SBCERA, the County’s retirement system, is in much better shape than other public retirement systems like CAL PERS, which has received a lot of attention over the past few years for its unfortunate financial difficulties.
No, the assessment can increase up to 3% a year based on the recommendation of the district’s Fire Chief. Any recommendation made by the Fire Chief to increase the Service Zone fee must be approved by the District’s Board of Directors. The Service Zone FP-5 assessment does NOT automatically increase every year.
All special service assessments are restricted funds by State Law and can only be spent within the named Service Zone they were collected for. A full disclosure of the Fire District’s budget can be found on our website here.
Your parcel number is a 13 digit number that will be printed along with your name on the front of the envelope containing the notification for Service Zone FP-5 Expansion, but can also be accessed here. Click Name Search on the top menu, and enter your information. Your parcel number will be listed in box to the right of your search area.
Yes. However, if your parcels are contiguous, you can file a simple form at a cost of $108.00 dollars for processing, and from that point forward you only pay one parcel fee. Form AOS-047 may be found on the County Assessor’s website.
After lengthy deliberation, the Board of Supervisors made the decision to approve this proposed resolution. The resolutions outline a detailed process that follows government code. Your opportunity to be heard on the expansion of Service Zone FP-5 begins with the protest period that opens on September 14, 2018. This period will conclude with a Public Hearing on October 16, 2018.
Further changes to these government codes requires action by the State of California.
In compliance with Government Code and Proposition 218, the Board of Supervisors established a process to protest these changes. An important part of that process is the Public Hearing on October 16, 2018. During the protest period, if at least 25% of property owners who own at least 25% of the total impacted land value submit protest letters to the County, then an election will be triggered. If at least 50% of property owners who own at least 50% of the total impacted land value submit protest letters to the County, the expansion will be terminated.
We encourage you to visit the website at WWW.sbcfire.org for the latest information. Procedures for public protest will be mailed to property owners within the expansion territories. Your local fire station will not have protest forms for distribution.
The San Bernardino County Fire Protection District’s Board of Directors has established a 30 day protest period along with a scheduled public hearing set for October 16, 2018 to allow the public to express their opinions regarding the expansion of the FP-5 Service Zone. All the information regarding the public hearing, as well as the protest form and guidelines can be found at WWW.sbcfire.org or by dialing 211 on your phone.
No, any increase in the Service Zone fee must be approved by the District’s Board of Directors, based on recommendations made by the District Fire Chief.
Currently, those who are already paying a parcel fee for fire services are subsidizing those who are not. Property tax revenues in many areas throughout the County, particularly in less populated areas, will never be high enough to cover the costs of providing many county government services, including fire and EMS services in those areas. Thus, as it stands now, more populated communities are subsidizing less populated and more remote communities. The expansion of FP-5 countywide levels the playing field.
Per the Government Code, all special service assessments for named Service Zones are restricted funds only to be spent within the named Service Zone they were collected for. In this case, Service Zone FP-5 assessment can and will only be used to support the services provided within this Service Zone territory.
The current revenue projections for San Bernardino County Fire Protection District indicate the existing revenue streams are insufficient to continue the current Fire and EMS service levels provided within the County’s Fire Protection District. The expansion of the FP-5 Service Zone will result in a more secure revenue stream to enable the continuance of existing service levels within the expanded territory and provide for the future capital needs of the FP-5 Service Zones.
If the property you own is within the proposed expansion territory (Service Zone FP-5, Refer to the Service Zone Map appendix-A) this expansion will result in the levy of your annual property tax bill in the amount of $157.26, with a maximum 3% increase per year. It’s important to note, if you are currently paying a County Fire Protection assessment this new fee schedule will fully replace your existing fee.