Date/Time: 06/08/23, 7:32PM
Location: 38300 block of Old Women Springs, Lucerne Valley
Incident: Two Alarm Fire


This afternoon San Bernardino County Fire crews were dispatched to a reported residential structure fire at the Moss Mobile Trailer Park, in Lucerne Valley. Multiple 911 callers stated a structure and trees on fire.

Firefighters arrived to find a large exterior fire with multiple exposures nearby. Arriving crews initiated a defensive fire attack, working to limit the fire’s spread through the mobile home park. Involved propane tanks and no municipal water supply hampered suppression efforts. Firefighters utilized multiple hose streams & water tenders to flow water throughout the incident. Ultimately the fire damaged or destroyed two outbuildings, multiple vehicles, large piles of debit and numerous trees. It took approximately 75 minutes to knock fire the down. A SBCoFD Excavator was also utilized to assist with overhaul.

Despite the losses, firefighters were successful in saving multiple homes, vehicles and kept it out of the nearby vegetation. The fire remains under investigation by Fire Investigators. Crews remained on scene for multiple hours working on overhaul and investigation. No firefighters were injured and one citizen was treated/released on-scene for smoke inhalation.

San Bernardino County Fire responded with five Engines, two Water Tenders, a Medic Ambulance, two Battalion Chiefs & a Fire Investigator. Apple Valley & CALFIRE each assisted with the incident. Thanks to our cooperating agencies for their assistance.

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