Core Programs

Ambulance Operator – See the full county map of San Bernardino Fire Stations with all the details you would expect to be able to access

Urban Search and Rescue – Special Operations is very diverse and complex in its operation to support the entire San Bernardino County Fire District in many ways.

Swift Water Rescue – All County firefighters receive basic swift water rescue training, and well over 100 County firefighters are trained in advanced swift water rescue skills.

Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) – San Bernardino County Fire Department manages six hazardous material and hazardous waste programs.
Wildland Programs

The wildland programs are valuable asset in wildland firefighting and are instrumental in creating defensive barriers that keep fires from spreading, serve multiple roles in fire suppression as they can create fire lines, defensible space, and improve efficiency to relieve firefighters and medic engines to return back to service.

Dozers – Bulldozers give SBCoFD increased capability to create fire containment lines during wildland fires and are able to handle a variety of tasks.

Professional Hand Crew – San Bernardino County is proud to have Old Cajon Crew 6 and Harrison Canyon Crew 7. Both crews are professional hand crews that are available to respond to emergencies.
Community Programs

The Fire Department offers programs that involve the community in learning about the Fire Department’s role in community safety and emergency response and allows these individuals to experience serving other citizens first hand.

Fire Corps Volunteers – Duty, Honor and Community. Help others in your communities. Join the Fire Corps.

Fire Explorers – The Fire Explorer program gives youth (ages 14-20) a first hand experience in what it mentally and physically takes to be a professional firefighter.

Public Education – The goal of the Public Education section is to provide residents and businesses useful information about preventing common causes of fires, accidents and injuries.
Ceremonial Programs

The Fire Department ceremonial programs are in charge of attending important civic events such welcoming dignitaries, presenting the colors of our country (the National Standard), honoring fallen firefighters at memorial/ funeral services, and serving as a ceremonial representation of our department pride.

Honor Guard – The Honor Guard performs many duties including: welcoming dignitaries, presenting the colors of our country (the National Standard), honoring fallen firefighters at memorial/ funeral services, and serving as a ceremonial representation of our department pride.

Pipes & Drums – The band has become a ceremonial feature at department graduations, promotional ceremonies, and special events.