Honor Guard
The San Bernardino County Fire Department (SBCoFD) Honor Guard was formed over 15 years ago and currently consists of 18 members, all of which are SBCoFD first responders. The original detail was conceived by Fire Chief Peter Hills (ret.) and Captain Bret Henry during the September 11th memorial in New York in 2001; and included Captains Bret Henry (ret), Jim Pearson (ret), Battalion Chief Steve Lasiter and Captains Bob Campbell, Jay Hausman and Mark Murphy.
The Honor Guard performs many duties including: welcoming dignitaries, presenting the colors of our country (the National Standard), honoring fallen firefighters at memorial/ funeral services, and serving as a ceremonial representation of our department pride.
The detail has laid wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington D.C with the Old Guard and actively participate in the California and IAFF Fallen Firefighters Memorials in Sacramento and Colorado Springs as well as the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial in Emmitsburg, Maryland. The Honor Guard serves at the request of the Fire Chief and works closely with the San Bernardino County Professional Firefighters Pipes and Drums Corps.
As many of you have seen, the Honor Guard maintains a very high standard of performance and dress. Each member is chosen based on the detail’s high personal standards and dedication to their team, department, and family. Countless hours of training and sacrifice are required from Honor Guard members.
During the economic downturn, your Honor Guard members donated their personal time and money to insure the longevity of the program. As the economy has improved, the Honor Guard has now become better funded as it was originally intended. Executive Staff led by Deputy Chief Jim Johnstone, under the direction of Fire Chief Mark Hartwig, acknowledged the significance of apposite ambassadorship of our department with improved support. Former Honor Guard Commander, Battalion Chief Steve Lasiter continues to support and participate in the program.
Today the detail is led by Captains Mark Murphy and Jay Hausman. Honor Guard Members can be identified by a pin worn on their uniform and will be happy to answer any questions. Through the years, your praise and encouragement for this dedicated unit has been felt. We give our thanks and appreciation to all who have shown their support for the Honor Guard since their establishment.