The San Bernardino County Fire Protection District is pleased to announce the receipt of a $50,000 grant from the California Department of Resources, Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). This grant, under the Household Hazardous Waste Program, is designated to support the collection of hazardous household waste in areas of San Bernardino County lacking permanent disposal facilities.

The grant aims to cover the operational costs for one-day collection events across the county, particularly benefiting residents in remote or underserved regions. This initiative is critical in ensuring the safe and environmentally responsible disposal of hazardous materials, preventing potential contamination of our natural resources.

This funding will not only cover the costs associated with setting up and advertising these collection events but also the operational expenses incurred during the collection days. Importantly, this grant does not require any matching funds from the county, emphasizing the financial prudence and strategic resource allocation of the San Bernardino County Fire Protection District.

The awarded grant, which will be active from September 14, 2022, to September 30, 2025, underscores the county’s commitment to environmental sustainability and public health. By facilitating the proper disposal of hazardous household waste, the initiative will significantly contribute to the overall safety and cleanliness of the community.

Residents of San Bernardino County can look forward to benefiting from these collection events, ensuring their households are safer and their environment cleaner, thanks to this collaborative effort between the county and CalRecycle.