The San Bernardino County Fire Protection District has been awarded a $175,000 grant from the California Fire Safe Council. This funding is part of the 2022 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection County Coordinator Statewide Grant Program. The grant will support the salary, support, and administrative costs of a County Coordinator. This role is important for enhancing wildfire preparedness and prevention across the county.

The County Coordinator will work closely with the California Fire Safe Council’s Regional Coordinators. Together, they will develop a comprehensive census of all active wildfire mitigation groups and projects. This initiative aims to identify gaps in the county’s wildfire resiliency and emergency preparedness. Recommendations will be developed to address these needs effectively.

The grant does not require matching funds from the county. It will be managed without the addition of new budgeted positions, ensuring fiscal responsibility. This funding will help the county enhance its capabilities to manage and mitigate wildfire risks, providing better safety and preparedness for its residents. The grant period is set from February 1, 2023, to July 31, 2024.