Wildfires are now a year-round reality in San Bernardino County. This means that both firefighters and residents have to be on heightened alert for the threat of wildfire.
Firefighters train hard and make countless preparations to be ready for a wildfire. Residents need to do the same. Successfully preparing for a wildfire requires you to take personal responsibility for protecting yourself, your family, and your property. Make sure your family is prepared for a wildfire. The San Bernardino County Fire Protection District has amazing resources to help you protect your family and property when the next wildfire happens.
These tools will help protect your family the next time wildfire threatens your safety.
Emergency Notifications
During a major disaster, the San Bernardino County Fire Department uses the Telephone Emergency Notification System (TENS) to send high-speed mass notifications by telephone and text messages. Help us keep you safe during a disaster by registering your mobile phone number.

Remain Vigilant During Red Flag Warnings
To promote Wildfire Readiness within San Bernardino County, SBCoFD has implemented the Red Flag Community Notification program. When conditions for extreme fire danger arise and the National Weather Service posts a Fire Weather Watch or a Red Flag Warning, residents will see a red flag flown below the American Flag at all SBCoFD stations within the affected area. Residents will then know to prepare by focusing on preparation and prevention in and around their homes.
SBCoFD’s website offers a weather and incident warnings system that will help to alert San Bernardino County residents about emergency situations that are foreseen or currently active. You will be able to view full details on any current active alert.
Create Your Ready, Set, Go Personal Wildfire Action Plan
To create safer communities, County Fire initiated a program called READY! SET! GO!; targeting communities in high risk wildfire prone areas. READY! SET! GO! is about helping residents understand how their home’s location, surrounding vegetation, construction elements, and other factors place their property and them at risk during a wildfire. More importantly, it teaches them what they can do to reduce that risk – get READY! It also instructs them on the importance of having an evacuation and survival plan – get SET! Finally, it emphasizes the need to GO! and go early, before the fire arrives to ensure the safety of themselves and their family. The goal of this program is to educate and engage residents in reducing the risk in their communities, which will help save lives and property.

If You See Something, Say Something
If you see something, say something. Report suspicious activity related to arson anonymously by calling the We-Tip hotline at 1-800-47-ARSON or visiting WeTip.com.