Possession of any type of fireworks, including “safe and sane” fireworks, is against the law in any unincorporated area of San Bernardino County. In the event a fire occurs due to the unsafe use of fireworks, the responsible persons are likely to face criminal charges and be held liable for damages.
“Safe and Sane” fireworks are only allowed in the following cities: Adelanto, Chino, Colton, Needles and Rialto, as well as specific locations in Fontana, Grand Terrace, and San Bernardino. Please call the fire department in these cities for more information. All fireworks are illegal elsewhere in the county. All fireworks that explode, shoot into the air or move along the ground are termed dangerous and are illegal anywhere in California.
With San Bernardino County facing a dangerous wildland fire season, the San Bernardino County Fire Department (SBCoFD) has increased its vigilance in enforcing state and county firework laws to protect public health and safety. Fire and law enforcement agencies will be conducting operations this year to stop attempts to smuggle tens of thousands of pounds of illegal fireworks with fines up to $1,250 for the first offense with the possibility of arrest. Property owners may be cited if they allow fireworks to be possessed, stored or used on their property.
“Residents play an important role in our fireworks investigations. If you see something, say something. Call the authorities or WeTip hotline at 1-800-47-ARSON to anonymously report illegal fireworks,” Fire Marshal Monica Ronchetti said.
According to the National Fire Protection Association, on a typical 4th of July, fireworks cause more fires in the U.S. than all other causes combined. In addition to fires, fireworks cause deaths, blindness, maiming injuries to children and adults, re-traumatize war veterans suffering from PTSD, and frighten household pets.
While “Safe and Sane” fireworks are allowed in some San Bernardino County communities, the County Board of Supervisors and SBCoFD encourage residents to watch fireworks at community celebrations rather than use their own.
Find a Fireworks Celebration
Report Illegal Fireworks
To report illegal fireworks activities in the following locations, call the numbers below:
Call San Bernardino Police Department’s non-emergency dispatch at
Call Fontana Police Department’s non-emergency dispatch at
Call Upland Police Department’s non-emergency dispatch at
Call San Bernardino County Sheriff’s non-emergency dispatch for valley areas
Call San Bernardino County Sheriff’s non-emergency dispatch for the desert areas which include Hesperia, Adelanto, Needles, Joshua, etc.