Cooking Safety
When you’re cooking, remember these important tips to keep your family and home safe.

- Cooking is the #1 cause of home fires!
Emergency Measures
If a pan or pot catches fire smother the fire by sliding a lid over the pan if possible, turn off the burner, and don’t move the pan or pot. Keep the lid on until it cools completely. (Baking soda may help to suffocate the fire but be very cautious).
Don’t try to carry a grease fire out doors, if you drop the pan or pot it can spread very quickly.
The water will cause the grease to splatter and spread the fire in all directions.
Keep the door closed or close the oven door and turn off the heat. Call 9-1-1.
Keep the door closed or close the door and unplug the microwave. Be sure to have the oven serviced before you use it again.
Stop, drop, cover your face if possible, and roll. Smother the fire by keeping your body close to the ground.
Grilling Safety
There’s nothing like outdoor grilling. It’s one of the most popular ways to cook food. But, a grill placed too close to anything that can burn is a fire hazard. They can be very hot, causing burn injuries. Follow these simple tips and you will be on the way to safe grilling.

- July is the peak month for grill fires.
- Roughly half of the injuries involving grills are thermal burns.
Courtesy of the National Fire Protection Association.