CONFIRE Communications
The San Bernardino County Fire District is dispatched by a Joint Powers Authority communications center known as “CONFIRE JPA”.
CONFIRE’s Communications Division aka “Comm Center” over the radio, operates two Fire/EMS communications centers which share a common phone system and a common radio system. One center is located in Rialto with the other in Hesperia. Dispatch responsibilities are evenly shared between the two locations. Should one center be impacted by a significant incident, working as a team the other center can help share the increased radio traffic and/or 911 call volume. Being located in different regions of the county allows them to function as a ready backup to one another. This “ready backup” concept mirrors the configuration of the two San Bernardino County Sheriff communications centers.
Comm Center serves as a secondary Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) providing accredited Fire/EMS dispatch services for the member agencies shown on this page. Dispatch is also provided under contract for the following agencies: Baker EMS Co. (Needles Ambulance), Big Bear Fire Authority, Montclair FD, and Running Springs FD. They are also the nighttime contact via radio for County Roads and Flood control.
In June 2000, to provide greater flexibility and efficiency for a finite amount of resources, County Fire chose to add Chief Officer oversight to its operations in the dispatch center. This enhancement shifted the “Communications Center” into a “Command Center”. The command and control oversight now incorporates field experience into the dispatching of emergency resources. Decisions can be made that incorporate many factors previously not considered during the dispatch and response phase such as weather, current draw-down levels, and specific target hazards. Statewide, there are many other fire department Command Centers in operation. The net result is more efficient utilization of resources which provides better service to our citizens.
Visit CONFIRE JPAs website to learn more and view available employment opportunities.
Member Agencies
County Fire is a founding member of the JPA which also consists of the following agencies: