The San Bernardino County Fire Protection District is a community-based, all hazard emergency services provider. We are committed to providing the highest level of service in the most efficient and cost effective manner to the citizens and communities that we serve.
The San Bernardino County Fire Protection District is a community-based, all hazard emergency services provider. We are dedicated to the protection of the diverse community we serve, organizational sustainability, performance excellence, and safety. We accomplish this through a balance of regionalized services delivery and accountability to our local communities.

Service Motto
Duty. Honor. Community.
We will do what is right when no one is watching.
We will be kind, patient, and use comprehensive care above all else.
We will serve you with the utmost courage and dedication.
We will put service to you above ourselves.
Be nationally recognized as a premier fire services organization.
About Our Executive Team

Where We Serve
At 20,160 square miles, San Bernardino County is the largest county in the continental United States. Our jurisdiction encompasses approximately 19,200 square miles of extremely diverse environments that stretch from the Los Angeles County line on the west, to the Colorado River on the east, to the Nevada State line and Kern and Inyo counties on the north. We provide services to more than 60 communities/cities and all unincorporated areas of the county.

San Bernardino County’s Diverse Geography
Our jurisdiction encounters hazards that include floods, fires, earthquakes, and train derailments, among others, that can impact highly urbanized metropolitan areas, industrial centers, and major portions of the most vital interstate highway and railroad transportation corridors that serve Southern California. We are also home to major entertainment venues such as the Glen Helen Amphitheater and the California Speedway. Our mountain resort areas, the Colorado River and vast high-use recreational desert lands underscore our diverse geography.
Beyond Emergency Response
Our services go far beyond response to fire and incidents within our county. We also specialize in many impressive services such as our multiple household hazardous waste programs that have won national recognition. Our vehicle services, warehouse operations, facilities maintenance, and training center are all state-of-the-art, with some of the most talented people found in the fire service.
Our Office of Emergency Services (OES) serves as the Operational Area Lead Agency, coordinating the provision of emergency services with the 24 cities and towns in San Bernardino County. OES has developed emergency plans and procedures that have also received national and state recognition.
Our Fiscal Services, Office of the Fire Marshal and our Communications Center deliver outstanding levels of service to our department and the communities we serve in administrative, dispatching and public contact areas.